I am committed to working on one project at a time and strive to maintain your unique voice and style. No two projects are alike; however, my approach to each project is three-fold:
1. Read – I don’t just read for the pleasure of the story being told, but also how the story is being told. I go through the following checklist: Does the work have a clear focus on one topic? Does the introduction grab interest and offer a clear purpose for reading? Are the facts accurate? Does the conclusion leave readers satisfied?
2. Correct – I strive to correct errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. I also focus on sentence structure to improve readability, use of active vs. passive voice, proper word usage,
clarity of meaning, subject/verb agreement, and overuse of words or phrases and redundancies.
3. Suggest – Oftentimes, when it comes to writing, right is right, and wrong is not quite as wrong. I provide suggestions on how your words can be better stated.
I offer a free sample edit that allows me to get an idea of your work and for you to get an idea of my editing style. You can also visit EBM’s website for samples of my editing work.
I have over 25 years of experience as a technical writer/editor in the corporate world and over 20 years of experience editing and proofreading numerous genres. My clients include traditionally published authors, independent authors, small businesses, major corporations, nonprofit organizations, universities, and small publishing companies.
As a workshop facilitator, I have shared in the successes of several writers conferences, including Black Writers Reunion & Conference (BWRC). You can visit my website for testimonials from happy clients. I hope to add you to that list!
Science fiction
Young Adult
Creative nonfiction
Young Adult
Training materials
Associated Press Stylebook (AP)
Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS)
Microsoft Writing Style Guide
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Google Docs
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Word