Should you use this contact form?
If you’re seeking an editor for your project, do not use this form. Contact directly the individual editor you’d like a quote from via her profile.
Got a question about joining our network?
Yes, use this form.
Got a question or comment about our website or our network?
Absolutely use this form. We’d love to hear from you.
What if my project isn't fully finished and I'm not ready to request an estimate but just want to connect with an editor?
Most of us appreciate serious writers connecting early with a future completion date. That allows us to keep you in mind as we schedule other projects. Reach out to the individual editor(s) whose background(s) and strengths best suit your project via her profile page. Do not use this form.
What if I don't know which editor I want to contact?
Each editor’s profile contains all the information you need to know in discerning which editor(s) may be the best fit for your project. Contact one or several to convey your project details and let them help you further decide which editor you should partner with to get your work edited.
What will happen if I use this form and I'm looking for an editor?
We cannot guarantee you will receive a response. It is difficult and time-consuming to field inquiries without sufficient details. This contact form is not designed to collect the information necessary to effectively redirect your inquiry.
Therefore, any general questions about working with an editor, what to expect, general costs and rates, specific editors’ policies, procedures, availability, turnaround time, and requests for estimates or consultations via this form will be deleted. Those types of questions need to be directed to the editor you are interested in partnering with on your project.
So, if an editor is what you want, simply follow directions. Use the individual editor’s estimate request form to introduce your project instead.